Who is OSHA?


Did you know that today is "Chaos Never Dies Day?" Well, it is, so let's get over it. Speaking of chaos never dying, OSHA is one organization that has its hands full, even with a downturned economy. But who in the heck is OSHA?

Spotting Fall Hazards

Identifying Fall Hazards

How To

As we talked a week or so ago about putting together a fall protection plan. One of the first steps was identifying a fall protection hazard. But what the heck are you really looking for? Let's find out. and teach you how to identify a fall hazard.

Are You Competent?

OSHA Defines Qualified and Competent Persons, Which One Are You?


Happy free day off day. You think they would have called today "Relax Day" instead of essentially "Work Day." Anyway, I digress. Did you know that OSHA actually classifies "Qualified" and "Competent" persons? Which are you?

Fall Protection Plan

How to Create a Fall Protection Plan

How To

Calling all OSHA fall protection violators, it's National Beheading Day and it's time for your comeuppance. Yep, OSHA started a new policy... well maybe not.   But, before anything bad happens to you or your crew let's learn how to create a fall protection plan.