Safety Harness Lifespan

Ultimate Harness Shelf-life Guide


We often get asked the question "When do I need to get rid of my harness"?


Having Fun During Serious Work


Play Ball! Words heard across North America the past few weeks as a herald of spring.

Residential Roofing

New Residential OSHA Regulations


Fall protection in the world of residential construction is changing. What exactly are the changes and what can you do about it?

Fall Protection Differences

The Differences in Fall Protection


Some of you may not know this, but there actually three different levels and degrees of fall protection. And OSHA likes them in a particular order.

OSHA and Taxes

Taxes, Fines, and OSHA


Today is tax day... Son of a... Mailed! Anywho, it's tax day. I wanted to take the time to make a brief announcement about fall protection and money.

Snap Hooks

Snap Hooks and OSHA


Hey, let's jump back on the OSHA bandwagon and see what those crazy guys have to say about snap hooks. Sure, most of us take them for granted, but there are some very important tidbits to learn.

OSHA Fines

December OSHA Fines


One of the things I don't really cover on this blog is the day to day distribution of OSHA fines. It feels too much like the paparazzi for me, but I still think we can learn a few things from them.  The fines, not the paparazzi.

Call of Duty Fall Protection

OSHA and the Duty to Have Fall Protection - Part 1


Well, my wife would laugh at the term "duty" because she is a sucker for potty jokes. But the duty to have fall protection is a serious business to OSHA. What does OSHA have to say about this? How about we give you the cliff notes!

Fall Protection Definitions

Basic Fall Protection Definitions According to OSHA


Did you know that OSHA has definitions for fall protection? Well, they do. And actually, they 're really the definitive definitions. If that makes sense.  So, we thought we'd start you off by introducing you to some basic terminology...

Lanyard Regulations

General Lanyard Regulations To Know


In our series of brief introductions to the policies and guidelines from OSHA and ANSI... That sounds like it could be a kid's show doesn't it?

(Cue: Announcer Voice) "And now get ready for another crazy adventure with OSHA & ANSI in the Land of Lanyards!"

Here's what the have to say...

Preliminary OSHA Findings

Preliminary OSHA Findings - 2009 Violations


Ok, so I'm a little behind the times on this one. I'm just getting around to posting this... so sue me. OSHA, big brother, recently released a preliminary list of the top 10 safety violations. Surprise, Surprise, look who made the list.

Fall Protection Harness Regulations

Fall Protection Harness Regulations


Once again it is time for some regulation review. This week we'll be going over some basic regulations for fall protection harnesses straight from the brain trusts at OSHA.