Fall Protection Inspection Rut

Fall Protection Inspection Rut


Today, on some weird-o's calendar it says "Old Stuff Day". What does that mean? It means to break out of your daily routine. Break from the norm and stop doing the same old things. Can this apply to fall protection? Good question.

A Fall Protection Fairy Tale

A Fall Protection Fairy Tale


Today is tell a fairy tale day. You guessed it! I whipped up my very own fairy tale for you to recite on the job site for your crew. Trust me they'll like it. And now for the world premiere of... A Fall Protection Fairy Tale.

Washington and Safety

Washington and Safety


There is no evidence to support that little George Washington cut down a cherry tree.  He may have lied... gasp! Another common myth is that Washington had false teeth made of wood. Not true. In fact, some of his dentures were made with human teeth... ewww? Although it is a fact he was our first president.

Being the first at anything can be extremely frightening and challenging. And being the first one to suggest and demand fall protection can be downright suicidal.

Cracker Jack Fall Protection

Cracker Jack Fall Protection


It was on this day in history that Crack Jack inserted a prize into their box for the first time in 1913. It was probably a plastic bookmark that no one liked but oh, well. Well, we're going to try something similar this weekend.

Here's the deal. If you spend $400 on Miller Fall Protection products. We'll send you a $50 harness for free. Yep for free.

Eat that CrackerJacks!


Companies We Work With


A couple weeks ago I shared with you a story about outfitting the hosts of Mythbusters with fall protection equipment. Did you know that we've worked with big and small companies across the country? And yes, even in Canada.

We've had the pleasure to do business with General Mills, Sara Lee Foods, and Morton Salt. This could be because I love food. Who knows? Heck, we've even worked with Shell Oil and Conoco Phillips. I wouldn't eat their product though.

Al Capone

St. Valentine's Day Fall Protection Massacre


It's not exactly Valentine's Day yet, but I don't plan on writing a post on Sunday. Even though Football is over, for the time being, Sunday's are still sacred. Now let's talk about murder... More specifically the St. Valentine's Day Massacre and what we can learn about fall protection from it.

Wow, I've really set up quite a bar for myself, but here goes. The St. Valentine's Day Massacre is like a box of chocolates... Hmmm. Scratch that.

This is harder than I thought.

Looking for a connection here...

Miller DuraHoist

New DuraHoist Products!


We've added some new products to our online store in the past weeks and I thought you should know about them. Therefore, I will introduce them to you.

We recently added a full selection of Miller DuraHoist products. This equipment primarily consists of confined space gear, but it's got a few treats in there as well.

Miller Falcon

Miller Falcon Commercial


Every so often we like to create a commercial for our website. It usually includes a product we carry, and we try to make it funny. This time is no exception.

Want to find out how tough the Miller Falcon Retractable is? Then watch the video below. It'll blow your mind.


Mythbusters and Fall Protection


Just a week ago, we worked with celebrities. Seriously, this isn't a joke, like when I said I met Wayne Newton at a Kinkos... (I still think it was him) Nope. This is the real deal. This is one myth that isn't bustable.

Well, in case the title of this post didn't give it away, we worked with the fine folks at Mythbusters. Yep, Fall Protection Pros.com has provided fall protection equipment for the two hosts to be used on an upcoming episode on Duct Tape.

Miller Falcon Review

Falcon Review Video


Hey there! Welcome to February. In case you missed it because you don't comb every single acre of our online store, we've got a brand new video review for you.

Yep, we shot a video taking a look at some of the great features on the Miller Falcon Retractable. You know, like its tough shell, the swivel shackle... what the hell am I doing? Just watch the video...

New Construction

The Best Roof Anchors for New Construction


Earlier this month we went over some of the best anchors for existing roofs. Well, today we're going to do a complete 180 and talk about anti-fungal powder the best roof anchors for new construction. Let's hop to it shall we? Hop, hop, hop...

Fall Protection Positioning

Positioning Systems


Finding the right position can be crucial for any type of job. How many of you decided to make that first statement dirty? Come on, guys! I'm trying to stay classy here. Anywho, fall protection positioning is no different, and there are a couple of guidelines from OSHA you should be aware of when it comes to positioning lanyards.